
Five ways women can stand tall in the workplace… With or without the heels

If you take a look at the numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, you might think women have it good in the field of public relations. Over 61 percent of the PR industry is made up of women; however, even in this female-heavy field, not even a fourth of the boardroom roles are occupied by women. Men are dominating the leadership positions of the industry across the globe, and have been for the entire history of the field. So what’s a woman to do if she wants to see herself at the top of the corporate ladder one day? Taking a page or two from the working women in the industry, here are five of the top ways a woman can advance herself in her career, as told by some of the very women who have.   1. Remember your value As a minority in world of leadership, women often forget the kind of value they can bring to a boardroom. Outside voices are telling them they should settle for the entry-level positions and let the big boys tackle the real work. Emilee Wolfe, he...